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Ijmal Limited Company was founded by an investor group seeking to address the residential needs of Saudi Arabian families looking for a quality housing solution. Ijmal does this by partnering with reputable developers who have demonstrated an ability to deliver a quality housing solution.

Our management team is comprised of bankers, engineers and real estate professionals focused on working together with developers. Our developer partners are carefully selected by the management team after a comprehensive study of the project and the developer has been undertaken.

 Ijmal standards assure the real estate project being delivered is of superior value and is done in a timely and efficient manner.

Our Vision

Ijmal aspires to be catalyst in providing quality real-estate products with great value for the buyer

Our Mission

To partner with developers, landowners and other industry leading suppliers to create quality real estate products with superior value for its buyers.

Our Criteria


Partnering with Ijmal

Ijmal Limited Company invests 100% of its capital in Saudi Arabia for the purpose of developing residential real estate projects for Saudi families.

We partner with real estate developers and land-owners who are committed in providing quality real-estate projects with good value for end users, e.g. villas, duplexes or apartments.

Ijmal provides developers and land-owners capital, local market knowledge, and technical expertise thus providing resources to make the real estate project a more compelling offering for the home buyer.


We evaluate developments by carefully analyzing the fundamentals of the developer partner, the project's viability, and local trends in the real estate market. Ijmal's evaluation criteria includes:


  •  Performing background checks and partnering with only the most reputable developers and landowners.

  •  Assessing key historical information with respect to the financial performance of the developer partner.

  •   Bench-marking the quality of the proposed development project and its design against industry standards and Ijmal's internal policy.


  •  Validating the feasibility of the development plan by analyzing key aspects of the feasibility with attention to the marketing plan, insurance coverage's, developer warranties, etc.


If you are a developer, land owner or industry supplier and would like further information about our programs or projects we invest in, please click on Contact Us for further information and clarification from one of our real estate development experts.

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